Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Making Do (so we don't have to do without)

One of the challenges of living in a small space is finding the room to do ordinary things. Amazingly, when you're faced with such a situation, you manage to find all sorts of ways to make your space multi-task!

For example, I always set up our drying rack in the bathtub. It's a perfect fit! And for the summer, the living room radiator makes a great shelf for baking pans.

I'm particularly pleased with my latest find, though - using our toaster oven as a recipe holder. It works both with magazines:

and small books:

Large books are too heavy for it, though, so for those, I use the dish drainer.


Axon L. Parker said...

Oh Mel...just think what a gift this is to your relative space gage...if our house is a mansion then you have got it made..

IndianaJones said...

I really like you Mel. A lot.
Ideas like this remind me why. You are a clever one. :)

Robby said...

I love it! I guess necessity really is the mother of invention.

Aly sun said...

I sometimes envy people with less space. You have to be more creative and you aren't bottled down with tons of stuff. And maybe you are smarter too...

yellowinter said...

quite ingenious!

Sarah said...

I echo everyone - I love your ingenuity.

deanna said...

I may try that with our toaster oven. It should remind me to clean out the crumbs, too.

meg said...

this post is 2 things I love. Hilarious and Clever. Two thumbs up.

JoAnna said...

I wish I were that thoughtful about organizing my life. Maybe I need you to come here and sort things out for me!