Sunday, December 20, 2009

Signs of Christmas at our House

(And a quick tip for all of you perfectionists out there frustrated with your bow tying abilities: turn your package upside down and then tie the bow. I've found this works every time and saves me much agony!)


Marianne Elixir said...

Lovely pics!, tie it underneath the package while upside down? I will have to try this.

Melanie said...

Marianne - Not flipped over so you're tying the bow underneath; just upside down. Put the top of your package closest to you and the bottom of the package farther away from you and then tie the bow, and it will come out with the tail ends pointing towards the bottom of the package. Or, if you're tying a bow on a basket handle, lean over it from behind it(so all the blood is draining to your head), and tie it, and the bow will come out right side up on the basket.

Sarah said...


Marianne Elixir said...

Aha! I will try this shortly =)

yellowinter said...

hmmm! great tip! i can't wait to try it. hope you both had a lovely christmas. can't wait to see you soon!